
Our logistics department is in close contact with all relevant container shipping lines/bulk vessel owners- operators, ensuring swift, most cost-effective multi-modal delivery to destination point.
Fast, efficient delivery

We have warehouse capacities in Tallinn, Klaipeda, Riga suitable for handling/storing cargo
arriving in break bulk and/or in container in pallets or loose.

This allows us to be flexible with end-user needs, to meet any possible unexpected increase in demand.
Outbound operations ex warehouse take place by both railway wagons and trucks.
Our logistics department is constantly working to find to most cost-effective delivery routes with shortest transit
times. Quality checks/sampling are performed by independent surveyor at both
port of loading and port of discharge.

Consequently, we are able to provide our customers with required raw materials
at minimal prices and with invariably high quality.



T. +371 6733 1997
E. info@atomex.eu
Kr. Valdemara 37
Riga, Latvia